Friday, March 14, 2008

Returning to Desgin

After an evening of pure frustration (see previous post), I returned to Joomla. Luckily for my cohorts in this Snow Snakes adventure, I am not one to take defeat and wanted immediate retribution on this evil CMS. This time I avoided the html and page style procedures in favor of the design of the site. I found that this was much more satisfying in many aspects, yet frustrating as hell on other tasks.

My successes included getting the Chat and Forum components to launch (see two posts ago) and I switched the Links menu item to a "Content" sub-menu item. These tasks were successfully completed through manipulation of miles of checklists and drop-down menus within each Content item. I discovered that the Components needed to also be listed among the Content to be included in the lists that appear when the main menu items are pressed. I completed this feature for the "Content" button on the main menu.

My failures included not being able to duplicate the same procedure, as described above for the "Content" button, for the "Collaboration" button. I'm not sure why I couldn't do the same for this button, but I either lost some path in the procedure previously used or this is its own dilemma totally disjoint from the other success. I'm going away for the weekend and when I return on Sunday, I'll attempt to make this all good. My goal is to get everything on the site to a point where people can start adding the actual content. I'm fearful of returning back to the design side of the site, but, knowing my tenacity, I'll be jumping back into that horrid pool of discontent soon as well.

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