Wednesday, March 5, 2008


We had a fruitful meeting in lieu of class Tuesday night. I will try and capture what we accomplished to follow. We discussed the dynamic or our Snow Snake idea/model with the PolarHusky model. This led to looking closely at some of the components of the PolarHusky curriculum and thinking and discussing what that might look like for our purposes. The result was the game plan of preparing a draft "Program Overview" and "Alert" to set the stage. We also plan on creating lesson plans using the PolarHusky template, each group member initially being responsible for one lesson in their chosen content area.

This led to discussions about AL ingredients that should be considered. Jim emailed us a list that we worked from and the results follow:
Landing page - This will come later as our Joomla page evolves.
Trail Reports - There are a couple AL pieces that we are not sure how to integrate or address because of the nature of our project. We don't have a third party team out in the field so a continuous trail report poses a problem. We left this with a question mark for now.
Scrapbook - In the short term we thought we could upload some existing pictures of snow snakes from the project I am working on with the White Earth schools. We could also find pertinent Ojibwe legends and read them aloud posting the audio file on Joomla for each story.
Blog updates - This component we see as really taking off when and if our AL project takes flight. We envision for our four week project we would identify one class per week that would be our showcase class and they would post to the blog daily about there progress.
Our Hook - The Snow Snake game in general and the status of students as contributors to the AL collaborative environment.
Collaborative Opp. - Each class would post photos and video of progress through the snow snake project.
Support content - ?
Team Communication - Again, not sure what this would look like since we don't have an expedition team in the field. So for now N/A.
Q and A - Structurally in Joomla we would have a place for questions and then answers can be given individually or put into our FAQ section

A few of the components we were thinking about putting into an "assistance hub" section. Such as the Q and A, Tech Support, Pedagogical assistance, help, etc. We would streamline this to the needs of our users.
Quiz - We thought this would develop later
Meet the Team - N/A
Expert Chat - This would occur during the project. Our ideas would be for Tribal Elder, Content Specialists and other Tribal figureheads to participate. We are thinking 4 chats total, one per week.
Spatial Rep. - Using Google Maps we thought that those participating school could place a marker on there geographical location. Similar (same) to how PolarHusky does it.
Online game - not sure what this would look like. Talked about a couple of ideas but maybe lower on the priority list, Same with "A to Z" as far as priority goes.
Curr. Access - did not think this was necessary

Once we get some of the curricular pieces together we feel like this will drive the Joomla development. We were all encouraged by the game plan and progress. Until next time! B

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